Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuateawa Spring.

The days have been getting longer for a good seven weeks now. The coldest month has gone. Winter is not yet a distant memory but there are plenty of signs of Spring! Clematis is coming into bloom in favoured locations as are some varieties of plum tree.

In the shag colony young birds are being fed, or helping themselves whilst many of the mature birds are sitting on eggs.

The quail are a little reduced in numbers over the winter and are not pairing up just yet. The kaka continue to hoon across the sky. It is usual for kaka to lay eggs in August and there does seem to be at least one couple that travel together.

On Waikawau Beach the NZ dotterel are paired up and defending territories. This image is of a banded dotterel being driven away by a NZ dotterel.

The Kowhai buds are swelling and should start to flower in another couple of weeks. Then we will know that Spring has really arrived!

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