Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Pittosporum tenuifolium.
Scent has a powerful effect on human beings. Visit any food court and you are met by a vast array of competing aromas. Food that smells good is great for business. It is another form of advertising. It stimulates your appetite and you are more likely to spend a few bucks to satisfy your newly generated hunger!

In Tuateawa there are very different, naturally occurring, perfumes. Most people enjoy the smell of fresh cut grass and, in Tuateawa you can usually add the scent of peppermint to this as well. They are both refreshing. Dominating everything at the moment is the heavy scent of the Hangehange or Native Privet. Added to this, in the evening and morning is the sweeter perfume of the Pittosporums, which are widely planted.

As with the food court a transaction is going on, but we are not involved. The scent advertises the availability of food in the form of pollen or nectar. In return the plant has it's flowers pollinated. A form of chemical communication between plant and insects that has positive consequences for them both.

PS. Regarding the earlier post on Godwits. The first birds arrived in Xchurch on 15th Sept at 11am. They have the custom of ringing the Cathedral bells in Xchurch which is a great way of letting people know of their arrival. No sign in Colville when we were their on the 18th Sept. No sign of coffee either!!! Cafe closed.

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