Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuateawa Christmas.

Despite a few recent setbacks the magic of Tuateawa continues. If you haven't visited for a while you will notice signs of our most recent major weather event. New slips and debris at what seem to be impossible heights on some fence lines.

The roading people deserve real praise. In some places, like the Tuateawa hill, the gutters were eroded down to the level of the fibre optic and electric cable. As of last weekend the roads and gutters were largely restored back to their normal condition. Some of the minor roads were still requiring some attention and one part, on the way to Waikawau, could need more than a quick fix up.

The silver lining to this event is the large quantity of roading metal that is to be found deposited hither and thither. Quite useful for establishing a few paths about your property. Some is fairly close to building mix standard! The pools on the Waiherere Stream have also been cleaned out, maybe even enlarged. They could be very tempting over an hot Tuateawa Xmas.

In the bird world the storm could have passed unnoticed. Seeing thirteen kaka in the air at the same time exceeds our earlier record of nine. They must be enjoying a good breeding season. At Waikawau breeding success for the NZ Dotterel is, perhaps, yet to come.


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