Saturday, April 17, 2010

Autumn Birds.

Colville is home to much more than oystercatchers. The NZ Dotterel accumulates here after the breeding season. This flock comprised 43 individuals and only a few were in breeding plumage. Assuming the rest were young birds it must have been a good breeding season. There are also good numbers remaining where they breed.

Also on the mudflats, a couple of dozen Bar Tailed Godwits. These usually start their long journey to Alaska toward the end of March. None of these birds are in breeding plumage and they were showing none of the nervous behaviour of birds about to depart. Maybe they will overwinter here.

The Brown Teal is one of the many gems of the Northern Coromandel. M.E.G. has paid a major part in the recovery of this species. This image is from Carey Rd with a female Mallard in the background.

Much prized on Gt. Barrier they even have their own road signs.

No Bush Robins seen but they must surely find their way down to Tuateawa from Port Charles in the next few years. This from Bushy Park W(h)anganui.

This last image from Kennedy Bay. The White Heron is back.
P.S. If you are really fascinated by Godwits a comprehensive and well illustrated book was released just before Xmas. GODWITS Long haul champions. Keith Woodley. Printed by Raupo ISBN 978-0-14-301193-4.

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