Friday, April 3, 2009

Why a Tuateawa blog?

Blogs are usually about the daily happenings of individuals. This is different. It is about a place. Our place. Tuateawa.
It is hoped that this blog will be a site where Tuateawans can meet and exchange views and insights. We do have a sense of community, but, we do not have a community hall to meet at, nor do we have a noticeboard or newspaper to tell us of local happenings. This could be our community hall, our noticeboard and newspaper all in one.
A blog also has the benefit of being free! Certainly no work bees or fundraising required. Well, it is almost free. It is there for all of us. We just have to use it from time to time and perhaps contribute some insight or special knowledge by way of a comment or article. Our residents already make major contributions to keeping Tuateawa a magic place. The great majority of us however live elsewhere for most of the time. Amongst us there are many skills and talents. We could all add a stick or two to this community hall in cyberspace!

Tuateawa is facing a challenge at the moment. Subdivision increases, new people arrive and the older of us depart. Maybe the sense of community is a little diluted. Perhaps this blog could help these new arrivals feel welcome and give them a speedy introduction to the community and wonderful environment that we all share.

What kind of things would be in this blog? Just about anything that relates to Tuateawa and its inhabitants, human and otherwise. Some of the older residents, and those that have farmed the land, have a wealth of knowledge of it's past. It would be great if they felt they could share this knowledge with us. Tuateawa Kiwicare have a deserved place. Updates on their activities with the bait lines, weed control and kiwi introductions would be invaluable.
Whatever you have seen, be it a whale or a the first shining cuckoo, it is newsworthy. Comments from the successful gardeners, recipes from the great cooks the possibilities are endless. This blog is meant to be inclusive not divisive. It belongs to all of us.

Digital photos fit easily into a blog and most of us have cameras. Impress with a picture of that big snapper, some local event or scenic shot.

As to contributing, I believe the comment section of the blog is the place. Alternatively, send an email to .
As this is just getting started there may be a need for patience. So far it all looks fairly simple but appearances can be deceptive! However, over time I am sure things will settle in and we will have a resource that will be of great value to us all.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic idea about the blog. I 1st came to Tuateawa about 20 years ago when me and my mate used to sleep down by the boat ramp and fish over the hill. Never did I realise that one day I would own property there.On a sad note I was there over the weekend and found a window smashed in, nothing seemed to be taken, very strange. Thank you for taking a positive initiative.
