Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Audio Review: Tsunami.

Radio New Zealand maintains an excellent website full of an incredible variety of audiofiles. Should you ever need a break from TV this could provide an entertaining and informative alternative. Seeking an eyewitness account of the Whitianga Tsunami I came across a recent series concerning Civil Defence Emergencies in NZ. This was recorded in 2008. If you click on the following www.radionz.co.nz/specialfeatures/whenthesirengoes/tsunami it will take you to the site. At the bottom of the page is an amazing account of the Whitianga Tsunami from the harbour master of the time. At the top of the page there is connection to a longer file about tsunami in the NZ situation with particular references to our region. Both accounts mention a typical approach to a tsunami warning. "lets go down to the beach!" More appropriate responses are also included, including the development of an evacuation plan. I am unaware of anything in existence that relates to Tuateawa. Low lying areas are naturally at greatest risk so it is likely that property damage would be slight should a tsunami arrive on Tuateawa's doorstep. We do however spend time at sea and on the beach and drive through coastal areas. This audiofile does have good suggestions as to the most appropriate way to behave should you become aware of an impending event.

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