Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuateawa Bird Spot: Pied Shag.

Might you be wandering around the new subdivision this Queen's Birthday Weekend? If so, to the south you will find a superb viewing point, overlooking a shag community.

The community is a year round feature. Once they reach three years of age they start to breed. It is pretty much of a year round process. It takes nearly six months from egglaying until the end of parental caring. The eggs incubate for about a month. The young can take two months before they fly. After that the parents keep feeding them for close to another three months.

Parents produce two clutches of eggs per year so there is always a lot of activity going on. These are not shy birds. People don't seem to bother them and you can get quite close. They are worth watching for a few minutes and the photo ops. are great.

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